Oct. 25: She was sad it was too wet to roller skate outside, but what she did next will amaze you!
Or possibly not, because what she did was pretty logical, really. She came to skate with Raw Meat Roller Skating, of course! We practice in a nice, warm, dry gym, every Saturday from 5 to 7 PM, at Thunderbird Community Centre, 2311 Cassiar St. Come join us!
At Raw Meat, you’ll learn the basics of roller-derby style roller skating, with a few not-so-basic tips and tricks thrown in for good measure. Expect to learn stops, falls, agility, pace lines, jumping, weaving, derby strategy, and more.
Skaters must have roller skates, helmet, mouth guard, and wrist, elbow and knee pads. In order to avoid marking the floors, you must have white or light coloured toe stops, and cover black knee pads with vertical strips of white tape. You can also cover your knee pads with felt or socks. Just make sure that whatever you use, it will stay on if you slide on your knees. Because you will, a lot.
Raw Meat Roller Skating sessions are for all levels of skater. If you are a beginner, we will help you learn the basics. If you are amazing, well, we’ll probably ask you for tips. But please come out!
Sessions are $7.
We only have two rules: 1. Be safe. 2. Don’t be an asshat. That about covers it.
See you Saturday!