April 25: You spin me right round
Wheeeee! This week, we’re going to have some fun with transitions. You’ll be turning right round like a record, baby, before you know it. When we’re not working on transitions, we’ll be whipping around the track, working on various roller-skating and roller derby drills and thrills.
Whether you are strapping on your roller skates for the first time or the four thousandth, you’ll have fun at Raw Meat. If you are beginner, we’ll help you learn to roller skate, and if you are an expert, you can teach us some tricks!
When and Where
We’ll be at Royal City Curling Club, 75 East 6th Avenue in New Westminster, from 10 AM to noon. If you can’t make this Saturday, never fear! We’re at RCCC every Saturday morning all summer. Join us as often as you can.
What to bring:
Skaters must have: roller skates, helmet, mouth guard (essential at RCCC!), wrist guards, and knee and elbow pads. If you skated with us at Thunderbird Community Centre and you have tape on your pads, please take it off before you come to RCCC. You’ll have a lot more fun.
Please note: the floor at RCCC is extremely hard. You must have all of your gear to skate.
Also, please put your name on your helmet or the back of your shirt.
Sessions are $12. Exact change is appreciated.
Our rules:
We just have two rules: 1. Be safe. 2. Don’t be an ass-hat.