July 26: Rollin’ Rollin’ Rollin’
Rollin’, rollin’, rollin’
Though the feet are swollen
Keep them skaters rollin’
Stops and falls and pacin’
Hellbent for leather
Soon you’ll be skating strong and wide
All the things you’re learnin’
Good stance and falls and racin’
Are waiting at the end of this ride
Move ’em on, head ’em up
Head ’em up, move ’em on
Move ’em on, head ’em up
Count ’em out, ride ’em in
Ride ’em in, count ’em out
Count ’em out, ride ’em in
Keep movin’, movin’, movin’
Though they’re disapprovin’
Keep them skaters movin’
Join us this Saturday to learn the fundamentals of roller-derby style roller skating in a fun, non-contact environment. Whether you are first-time skater looking to stop safely, or an experienced derby player just wanting more time on skates, everyone is welcome. We’ll look at some WFTDA basic skills, and through in a few games, too.
What you’ll learn at Raw Meat Roller Skating:
We’ll teach you roller skate, roller-derby style. Expect a variety of skating skills including stops, falls, jumps, agility, skating close to others, pace lines, games and more. We’ll also teach you some basic derby strategy. All of our sessions are non-contact, so you can learn without fear (well, fear of hip checks, anyway—wheels can still be scary!).
Not interested in derby but you still want to learn to roller skate? That’s cool, too! The skills you’ll learn will help you skate defensively (and maybe a little offensively) around obstacles such as rocks, branches, random tourists and stray toddlers.
What to bring to Raw Meat Roller Skating:
Every skater must have roller skates, a helmet, mouth guard, and wrist, knee and elbow pads—no exceptions. You’ll get sweaty, and you’ll hit the floor, so please dress accordingly.
Sessions are $12. Please bring cash, and exact change is appreciated. There is an ATM at Royal City Curling Club.
Our Schedule:
We’ll be at Royal City Curling Club, 75 East 6th Avenue in New Westminster, every Saturday from 10 AM to Noon all summer long, until August 30.
Starting in September, we’ll move back to Thunderbird Community Centre.
Our Rules:
1. Be safe.
2. Don’t be an Asshat.