Raw Meat has super fancy helmet covers (panties)!

Find random observations about roller skating, roller derby, and life in general that don’t quite fit elsewhere.
Raw Meat has super fancy helmet covers (panties)!
Check it out! 24 Hours reporter Sara Rowland visited Raw Meat this past Saturday, and her write-up appears in today’s paper. Thanks for the coverage! Unfortunately, there was one small error in the article. The caption states, “Terminal City Roller Girls welcome intrepid reporter Sarah Rowland as she learns the ins and outs of Roller […]
WIN FREE MEAT! Yes you read it correctly… Free Meat! You’re right to be apprehensive, usually this kind of offer will lead you to A) Old Yeller Burgers B) Driving the porcelain bus with both ends C) A different kind of sausage D) All of the above. But we here at Raw Meat are all […]